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Types of CRM Add-Ons
CRM Integration

Four Types of CRM Add-Ons

If you’re considering a new CRM system for your organization, as part of the evaluation and selection process, you may have discovered a host of

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A salesperson in front of a locked office door

11 Ways To Be A Bad Salesperson

A CRM system provides good salespeople with the information and functionality they need to become better salespeople. But CRM cannot turn a bad salesperson into

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Marketing Segments
Marketing Automation

Behavioral Segmentation for SMB Marketers Made Easy

Behavioral segmentation is the process of grouping an audience based on how they interact with your emails, your website posts & pages and through other actions that you can measure. The idea is that once a group is created, members of that segment can receive more targeted and relevant (to them) communications in the future. This, in turn, can increase engagement, improve customer retention and generate more sales opportunities.

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Subscribe to WordPress Blog
Marketing Automation

How to Set Up a WordPress Blog Subscription Using ActiveCampaign

Many company WordPress blogs do not offer an email subscription to readers. This is a missed opportunity for better engaging those who have found benefit to your blog content. In this post, we’ll look at how to set up and manage WordPress blog subscribers in ActiveCampaign. If your company has a podcast, the same steps apply.

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