

CRM Cost Calculator

Use this CRM cost calculator to estimate your organization’s total CRM investment over the number of years you specify.

CRM Cost Calculator

The total cost of CRM is more than just the CRM subscription fees. We have considered multiple levels of expense.

The fields contain default values. You can edit numeric values or select different dropdown values.

This will vary depending up on which CRM you select. See what popular CRM vendors charge.
Many organizations subcribe to add-on products. Learn more about CRM add-on products.. Set this to 0 if you do not plan to subscribe to add-ons.
The estimated per user cost of professional services for CRM implementation. In mid-sized companies and enterprises, it's not uncommon for this to be at least $1,000 per user.
The estimated per user cost for ongoing CRM modifications after the first year.
All CRM systems involve some level of ongoing administration. If you plan to have a full time administrator, this should be 100%.
According to Salary.com, the median salary for a CRM administrator is $95,000. You can change the salary.

Remember that the per-user cost of implementing CRM can vary widely depending on how customized the solution is.

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